
Box Update

Box is a collaborative cloud-based storage system that was made available to all UMS employees and students in January 2017. Box works with virtually every internet-connected computer or device. In addition, it allows for collaboration on Microsoft Office documents directly from a browser, tracks file revisions, and version history, and with “department folders”, preserves files when individuals […]

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FirstClass Retirement Project Update

The project to retire FirstClass in May 2018 continues to progress. Last fall and spring, the project team collected information from faculty, staff, and students about how they use FirstClass and which features are most important to them. The team is using the information to identify and recommend FirstClass alternatives to faculty, staff, and students […]

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Updates to Computer Setup Service

The UMaine IT Support Services staff is working to enhance and streamline how it provides computer setup support for University-purchased computing equipment and devices. Computers are setup based on a standard configuration, and user-specified applications are installed. Support staff will make certain the new equipment is fully functional, and that the user can access resources needed […]

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Summer 2017 Classroom Upgrades

This summer’s Paint & Polish and Classrooms for the Future projects completed renovations in classrooms across the UMaine Campus. The renovations consist of facilities work, classroom technology installations and upgrades, and network infrastructure upgrades. The following groups participated in this effort:  Provost’s Office, CITL, UMaine Campus IT Officer, Classroom Technology and Networkmaine teams, Facilities Management, […]

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Information Security Reminders

In your daily work lives, the most common security concern that you will encounter is phishing. Phishing emails attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and, indirectly, money), often for malicious reasons, by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. The most common method is a malicious file attachment, […]

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Coming Soon! MyCampus Portal UMaine Community Boards

While the project to retire FirstClass in May 2018 progresses, steps are being taken to recreate some of its functionality in alternative solutions. An important part of FirstClass has always been the UMaine community-wide announcement/for sale conferences. Steps are being taken to replace these conferences with “UMaine Community Boards” on the MyCampus UMaine Portal.  Here […]

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IT Service Catalog

UMS IT is pleased to announce our first iteration of an IT service catalog. It serves as a new way to access and request information regarding IT services. How to Access the Service Catalog? You can access the service catalog by visiting the Technology Support page from your MyCampus Portal or using the direct link […]

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Coming Soon – Mobile Printing

The UMaine IT Support Services team is pleased to announce that students, faculty, and staff will soon be able to send print jobs from their smartphones, tablets and iOS devices to any Pharos print release station on campus (Fogler Library Information Commons, Memorial Union IT Computer Lab, the IT Support Center in 17 Shibles Hall, and […]

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